Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010


We are a group of four students of the Institut Roquetes, in Catalonia, Spain. We are going to talk about our school. Our school is not too big, there are about 700 students between the age of 12 and 16 (ESO, obligatory education) and between 16 and 18 (Batxillerat, for students who want to go to the university, like us. We study in another building because of the very fast increase of the number of students these next years). One of the best things of our school are some very helpful and cool teachers. In our school we have an orchestra, the Orchestra STOP. We are a "Escola Verda", wich means that we recycle, we make conferences about the environment, we help to preserve the Ebre river, we reduce the water and energy consumition... During the year there are many activities and trips that help us to learn lots of things wich are complicated to learn during the lessons.

08:30optative 1optative 3optative 3optative 1optative 2
09:30optative 2tutoryoptative 1optative 2optative 4
10:30catalanoptative 4optative 2optative 3science culture

12:00optative 3optative 1philosophyoptative 4castilian



optative 4castilian
16:30englishscience culture

The optatives of the first course of Batxillerat (16 years old) are: economy, history, castilian literature, universal literature, french, ancient greek, latin language and civilisation, maths, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, technology, catholic religon, technical drawing...


Our parents school was very different. All the mornings they had to sing the "Cara al Sol" wich was the imposed song by the Franco's dictature, catalan language and culture was banned and most of them couldn't learn to write in Catalan, a language wich only could be used in the private life. Most of the teachers used to hit the pulpils if they didn't know the lesson, for exemple, most of them studied French instead of English at school. Catholic religion was obligatory. If you wrote with the left hand instead of the right maybe they immobilize your left hand and bind you to write with the right one.To start working at the age of 14 or 16 in the agriculture, construction or industry was very common then. There was a Franco's image and a christian cross in each classroom.