Tuesday, September 27, 2011


In theme 3 we talked about Media and Communication. The most important thing for our communication is the Internet and, more particularly, the social networks like Facebook, which we use for the VAGAB project too, Tuenti (Spanish Facebook), Twitter and Blogs, like this Blogger.

TV is important too, but Internet is getting more and more importance so television now is not as important as it used to.

Some people listen to music on the radio, for example in Flaix FM or Los 40 principales (radio stations) although mobile phones now can display lots of music.

As a complimentary activity we’ve done an online form. You can see the answers in our group blog.

Tu sum up, we’d like to say that the Internet is the best and the most important media for us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, how do you do?
    We are a new group four from Portugal.
    We want to know how is the theme four project going.
